Electro Cables

Forced and Child Labour Policy Statement

Electro Cables Inc. is committed to uphold and champion our core values with the highest integrity, ethics, and honesty. We recognize the fundamental human rights of all individuals and are dedicated to ensuring that our business practices do not contribute to or perpetuate the exploitation of vulnerable populations, including children and forced labourers. We unequivocally condemn the use of child labour and forced labour in any form. We believe that all individuals, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or socio-economic status deserve to work in safe, fair, and dignified conditions. We will work towards eradicating forced labour and child labour, promote ethical and sustainable business practices, and contribute to the protection of human rights worldwide.


Forced labour is defined as any work or service that is exacted from and individual under threat or coercion, or intimidation where the person has not offered themselves voluntarily and is not free to leave or terminate their employment. Electro Cables Inc. and our supply chain prohibit any engagement in bonded labour, debt bondage, or any form of involuntary servitude, or human trafficking which involves engaging in recruitment, transportation, transfer, or harboring persons through force, fraud, or coercion.


The heart and success of Electro Cables Inc. is practicing our core beliefs and goals which are:

  • Produce the highest quality
  • Honesty
  • Teamwork
  • Family
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Equity
  • Pride
  • Care


Electro Cables Inc. pledges to follow our core values and belief system:


  • To adhere to all applicable laws and regulations related to child labour, forced labour, and human rights in every jurisdiction in which we operate. We will uphold internationally recognized standards, including the International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, pertaining to the elimination of child, and forced labour.


  • Always treat our employees with our core value principles. Electro Cables Inc. acts ethically and responsibly in all areas of business and we expect our employees and suppliers to act in the same manner. We practice the highest standards of corporate responsibility throughout our organization. Our employees are valued and respected for their contributions based on a foundation of mutual respect. The company has protocols and management systems to ensure compliance and respect for human rights and we expect our suppliers to uphold these same values and principles in their work environments.


  • We hold the same expectations of our valued supply chain partners and their operations as we have for ourselves. Our suppliers and subcontractors are held at the same high standards of ethical conduct and expect our suppliers to prohibit the use of child labour and forced labour in their operations and to comply with all laws and regulations.


  • We will conduct thorough assessments of our suppliers to evaluate their labour practices and ensure compliance with our policies and standards. We have implemented robust due diligence processes, including audits, site visits if deemed necessary, and supplier surveys, to identify and address any instances of child or forced labour within our supply chain.


  • We will promote Education, Training and Awareness for applicable employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders on the risks and consequences of child and forced labour. We will raise awareness about the importance of ethical sourcing and empower individuals to identify, report, and address instances of non-compliance effectively.


  • We will demonstrate transparency in our efforts to combat child and forced labour by publicly disclosing information about our policies, practices, and performance in this area. We will hold ourselves accountable for upholding our commitments and strive for continuous improvement in our ethical sourcing practices.


Electro Cables Inc. is dedicated to fostering a culture of respect, integrity, and social responsibility throughout our organization and supply chain. By working collabouratively with our stakeholders and upholding the principles outlined in this policy statement, we aim to contribute to the promotion of protection of human rights worldwide.

Child and Forced Labour Annual Report

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