Electro Cables

Electro Cables Inc. – Child and Forced Labour Annual Report

Date:  May 30, 2024


Entity’s Legal Name:  Electro Cables Inc.

Financial Reporting Year: This report commences January 1, 2024

The 2024 Annual Report requires previous fiscal year activities; however, this legislation became effective January 1, 2024, thus this report includes the implementation of our Child and Forced Labour plan that was put in effect as of January 1, 2024.

Identification of Revised Report:  Not applicable

Business Number:  87626 4441

Identification of a Joint Report:  Not applicable

Identification of Reporting Obligations in other jurisdictions:  Not applicable

Entity Categorization According to the Act:  Corporation

Sector/Industry:  Manufacturing

Location:  Ontario, Canada


Description of steps taken to reduce the risk of Child and Forced Labour


Please reference our policy and procedures developed and implemented to reduce and eliminate the risk of Child and Forced Labour within the supply chain starting on page 5 of this report.


Supplementary Information:




Electro Cables Inc. Legal Structure – Corporation

Organizational Structure – Private family owned and operated manufacturing company

Organizational Mandate – Please reference our Child and Forced Labour Policy Statement

Organization Size – 175-200 employees in Canada, no employees outside of Canada

Partner organizations or membership in a group – Not applicable

Control of other entities – Not applicable




Electro Cables Inc. manufactures wire and cable for world worldwide markets.  The manufacturing facility operates in Trenton, Ontario, Canada.  Electro Cables Inc. imports the majority of raw materials from the United States of America and some from overseas.


Supply Chain


Our manufacturing wire and cable supply chain includes raw materials such as compounds, tapes, copper, aluminum, steel, packaging supplies, chemicals, cutting oils, drawing solutions, reels, inks and concentrates, testing and other manufacturing equipment, etc. Our primary origin of raw materials is purchased through suppliers based in the United States of America and some from overseas.

*Disclaimer – We will not publicly publish our supply chain which includes our suppliers of raw material that contribute to the production of the goods we produce and sell due to business safeguarding for proprietary reasons.


Policies and Due Diligence Processes

Electro Cables Inc. has developed and implemented policies and due diligence processes to reduce and eliminate the risk of Child and Forced Labour within our supply chain.  We require our suppliers to complete a Slavery and Trafficking questionnaire through the Social Responsibility Alliance. Results from the questionnaire are evaluated to provide us with Slavery, Human Trafficking and Child and Forced Labour risk and compliance data.  Based on responses, suppliers will also have to provide any supporting documentation to help us implement human trafficking related risk mitigation actions. Our policies include supplier chain reporting obligations, a supplier code of conduct, a supplier assessment and due diligence process, contractual obligations as well as the requirement for supplier audits, remediation and corrective action plans.  Details about these policies are attached in the following pages.

Forced and Child Labour Risks


We have not identified any Forced or Child Labour activities within our own manufacturing activities or within our direct or indirect suppliers.


Remediation Measures


We have not had any situations that require remediation or corrective actions to date.  The Remediation and Corrective action plan in our policy details steps that would be followed if Child and Forced Labour are identified.

Remediation of Loss of Income


No measures will be taken in this area of our program.




We have developed an internal awareness training program for Child and Forced Labour for designated employees as well as for our suppliers.  The training is mandatory for employees in specific roles that encompasses involvement in contractual and purchasing decisions which will also include Human Resources and Senior Management.  Suppliers will also be provided with our training material in addition to the supplier questionnaire.  The training covers Child and Forced Labour entirely.  Training will be done using videos from International Labour Organization as well as review of company policy on Child and Forced Labour and are required to complete an internally developed quiz which is scored for accuracy and understanding.  Length of training is approximately 1-2 hours in duration.  For further details, see our training and awareness program portion of the Child and Forced Labour policy.


Assessing Effectiveness


All existing suppliers are required to complete the Slavery and Trafficking Risk questionnaire as previously mentioned in this report.  Based on the findings of the risk responses from suppliers, Human Resources will review and score results to determine if there is any inherent risk level.  Human Resources will analyze risk with Senior Management and establish next steps based off the assessment.  Corrective actions with suppliers would be generated based on our policy criteria to resolve any concerns.


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